Ground Rules
To download or print a copy of these guidelines:
Hours of Visitation
The visiting hours for the cemetery are from sunrise until sunset, no exceptions.
Grave Decorations
Only one ground decoration is permitted per grave space; all others will be removed. In-ground vases and solar lights are considered decorations.
Items not permitted on the grounds at any time include the following: glass, grave blankets, tall shepherd’s hooks, and anything else that staff or management deems a safety concern. Also, the planting of live flowers, shrubs, trees, etc. is not permitted.
Decoration Removal
A cleanup of holiday flowers and decorations will occur on February 15th each year in preparation for the mowing season. Decorations not removed by that date are subject to removal and disposal by cemetery staff.
Flowers from burials will be removed by cemetery personnel approximately 7-10 days after the service.
Always stay on the pavement. At no time should tires be on the grass.
There is only one, short, single-lane road in the cemetery. If using it, please do not park and block others.
Interment Requirements
All caskets (burial receptacles) must be encased in a permanent outer container made of concrete, steel, or polystyrene. Caskets only are not permitted.
All cremains must be buried in a permanent outer container such as plastic, concrete, marble or steel.
No extra deep, double, or stacked burials are permitted in Shepherd Hills.
Two cremations are allowed per grave space. One standard interment is allowed per grave space, but not in combination with a cremation burial.